Archived articles

The Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve A Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve from Burleigh to Snapper is there to protect and preserve our breaks, remove the threat and celebrate our history, culture and champions. A GCWSR would not close beaches

Gecko is proud to introduce Steve Collum and Ash Sandercombe from Habi-Tec as speakers for the May Guest Speaker Night. Gecko extends an invitation to the community to come and learn about how to create lost habitat for our wildlife. Steve Collum and his skilled team of arborists embrace a holistic approach to tree management, employing techniques that help reintroduce biodiversity to trees and their surrounding areas. Their goal is to highlight the importance of habitat recreation to the public, developers and industries related to arboriculture and horticulture. Habi-Tec is currently working with the City of Gold Coast to promote, manage and create wildlife habitats within the city’s mature tree population, so far with great success.

Calling Green Gurus, sustainable start ups, schools and eco entrepreneurs. The countdown to Gold Coast Green Week is on (28 May - 5 June 2016) and we need your help us paint the Gold Coast 'green'. Don't miss your chance to get your green on and be part of this amazing 9-day festival.

Gecko will actively engage with all levels government to strongly advocate for immediate, comprehensive and effective strategies to reduce carbon pollution and to ameliorate the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human communities Gecko will canvas the views of candidates in elections as to how they will achieve these policy outcomes.

Gecko’s 2015 Annual Environmental Awards recipients were celebrated on Saturday 14 November. It was a magnificent night of music, food, drinks, great company and the real stars of the night; the award recipients. Fifty individuals and organisations were celebrated this year and Gecko would like to congratulate each one once again.

Gecko is not an organisation with an individual directive and personality. The personality of Gecko is at all times a collaboration and representation of all of the various visions and goals of its members and volunteers. This is the heart of Gecko, and it beats powerfully to direct change on the Gold Coast. The last twelve months has been no exception to the rule of collaborative representation of the visions of many individuals. Some very passionate people gave an adrenaline shot to the heart of Gecko this year, while others provided consistent life blood. This leaves us with a very healthy and happy “Gecko” which is effective in spreading its message of “environment”. I’m going to speed one by one through the many different portfolios within Gecko, which all serve a different need within the community.

Gecko has reviewed the proposal and as an environmental organisation we have focussed on how the construction could impact on sensitive ecosystems in this cross-border region as well as issues raised by residents. Read our submission here…..

Public Consultation on the future of The Spit is underway right now and Gecko urges everyone concerned about the integrity of our City Plan and the protection of public open space Go to the link auto register now for this consultation.

GeckoEd’s plans to make the grounds around Gecko House into a ‘learnscape’ garden have moved several steps closer to becoming a reality. With the enthusiastic assistance of Brett Rowland from Jacob’s Well Environment Centre and six hard working Year 9 students from Coomera Anglican College, we were able to clear away a large area of grass and replace this with local native plants. The results are amazing and it’s now possible to see how the whole garden will be transformed once all the work has been completed.

Platypus in Queensland are continuing to drown in funnel nets despite recent Queensland Government legislation banning the use of 'funnel & round traps' to catch crayfish in non-tidal waters (east of the Great Dividing Range only). This legislation offers little more than  mere token protection for the unintended bi-catch of these lethal & cruel death-traps -- the native water rats, turtles, fish, diving birds, and in particular the iconic platypus that share our freshwater ecosystems with the yabby