Update about City Plan 2nd February 2020

On 27th September the Gold Coast City Council called for public submissions on amendments (changes) to the planning scheme (City Plan) and established a number of pop-up information sessions at various places throughout the city. Gecko urges all residents of Gold Coast to check out these proposed changes to the City plan and put in a submission. The amendments (changes) are intended to improve the City Plan and the way our City responds to the ongoing population growth. Not everyone will agree that all amendments are an improvement and this is why your submission is vital.


On Wednesday 9th October 2019, Gecko Environment Council Assoc Inc (Gecko) will be holding our 30th Annual General Meeting at 6:30pm, and cordially invite all our members to attend. We hope you will attend this event, hear about all the activities Gecko has been involved with over the past year and welcome in our new Committee for 2019-2020. Thereafter we will hold a short General Meeting with a light supper. We look forward to catching up with friends and members old and new. Please contact office@gecko.org.au or telephone 55341412 for any enquiries or to send a proxy vote.

Gecko Talks-The Secret Lives of Microbats Revealed-28th August

We all know the diseases mosquitos can spread. But few of us know much about the tiny insectivores working tirelessly on our behalf to control those mozzies.
That’s where Professor Maria Nicolae comes in, championing the cause of microbats.

‘They play very important roles in controlling the insect population. But they’re under extreme pressure for survival everywhere, pressure that we can help relieve,’ she says.

Gecko Talks-The Spit Master Plan-24 July 2019

GeckoTalks-24 July in Currumbin RSL – Following 18 months of consultation with the community and key stakeholders, The Spit master plan was released by the Queensland Government on 25 May 2018.
The Spit master plan provides for a low-rise future for The Spit and strikes a balance between the protection of environmental and community values and the realisation of appropriate development opportunities.