Minister Environment’s Roundtables and QLD Environment Roundtable

Recently, Gecko joined colleagues from across QLD in roundtables with the Minister for Environment and QLD environment groups. Gecko’s Campaign Coordinator, Sara Hicks, met with Minister Leanne Linard MP to discuss local issues on water, cultural engagement, koala conservation and state infrastructure projects and adapting to heat and hazards in our region. Read more…

Shellfish Reefs of Queensland

At the August Gecko Talk, Robbie Porter from OzFish delivered a passionate talk on the forgotten shellfish reefs of Queensland to over 50 community members, including divers, fishers, water lovers, and curious listeners. He walked us through some of the many projects OzFish is involved in, including riparian restoration, safe Read more…

Waters of Gondwana: Yarning Circle – Gold Coast locals, youth, ecologists and Traditional Owners share their connection with water

A recent Yarning about the Waters of Gondwana was held by Hinze Dam, featuri3ng diverse speakers sharing personal and local tales to positively re-imagine the management of water. This yarning brought together voices of encounters with nature, of regeneration, of solutions and cultural ways of being and knowing, all toward Read more…