Gecko Talks - 23rd June in Currumbin RSL - Amphibians Under Threat​

This month’s Gecko Talks on Wednesday June 23rd will be on amphibians and the devastating effects of the frog chytrid disease. Dr Laura Grogan, from Griffith University, along with her research team, will be speaking about the effects of amphibian chytridiomycosis – a devastating fungal skin disease – and how the disease has led to the decline and extinction of many amphibian species globally. Dr Grogan will be addressing her team’s study on the Fleay’s barred frog, and their investigation into how this species’ populations have recovered in the face of this disease and why understanding the mechanisms permitting the recovery of this species can be used to assist in the conservation of amphibian species globally.
The event is free, however, due to COVID-19 tickets are limited, so make sure you book yours today! The talk will commence at 7:00pm, so please arrive 15 minutes early to ensure you have enough time for RSL check in. To book your seat please use this link: Gecko Talks June 23rd: Frogs and Frog chytrid disease Tickets, Wed 23/06/2021 at 6:45 pm | Eventbrite
Categories: Gecko Talks