Gecko Talks 16th December- Caring for Koalas

Dr Michael Pyne, Senior Vet of Currumbin Wildlife Hospital will be speaking at Gecko Talks on 16 December at Currumbin RSL.

Gecko Talks is a monthly guest speaker event, organized by Gecko Environment Council for the Gold Coast.

This December the Talk is not held on the usual 4th Wednesday, but earlier on Wednesday 16 December.

Dr Pyne will share the ongoing efforts of Currumbin Wildlife Hospital in rehabilitating and releasing sick koalas back into nature.

In 2019, the Hospital treated, rehabilitated and released almost 600 koalas.

More than half of these patients were sick and dying from chlamydia. Out of the other half, many had sub-clinical chlamydia, meaning they were beginning to become sick.

Vaccinating koalas
Currumbin Wildlife Hospital has now started vaccinating koalas against chlamydia, a disease threatening the survival of the koala species.

Dr Michael Pyne has been treating koalas for over twenty years and believes prevention is better than cure. “It is a devastating disease and it’s crucial that we move into the prevention space now.

This major advancement in the protection of koalas has been made possible by many prestigious organisations including The City of Gold Coast, QUT, WildArk, The Neumann Family and Rotary.

The good news is that the technology is now available to make a significant change, it’s just a matter of enough fundraising momentum and support to save koalas,” Dr Pyne said.

Gecko Talks is on Wednesday, December 16 at Currumbin RSL.

Free entrance, however a booking is necessary to comply with Covid-19 rules. Bookings via the Eventbrite link on

When:      Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Time:         6:45PM for 7:00PM Start
Where:     Currumbin RSL, 165 Duringan Street, Currumbin
Cost:          FREE, after booking (Come early and buy a delicious RSL meal)


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