Gecko Talks-The Spit Master Plan-24th July 2019

Following 18 months of consultation with the community and key stakeholders, The Spit master plan was released by the Queensland Government on 25 May 2019.

The Spit master plan provides for a low-rise future for The Spit and strikes a balance between the protection of environmental and community values and the realisation of appropriate development opportunities.

Rebecca Kenny
Cameron Davies Deicke Richards

                               Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning

Come along to hear about the master planning process and the future of The Spit, as envisioned by the master plan, from two of Queensland’s leading planning and urban design professionals involved in the project.

When:  Wednesday, July 24th 2019

Time:    6:45PM for 7:00PM Start

Where: ‘The Cove Room’, Currumbin RSL, 165 Duringan Street, Currumbin

Cost:     FREE! (Don’t forget, you can buy a meal there before the talk.)Â