Gecko Talks - 26 September - How You Can Help Koalas, Native Birds—and Your Pets—Thrive

If you’re interested in making life better for your pet—and keen to learn more on how you can help vulnerable koala or native bird populations —here’s the talk for you.

Dog attacks continue to occur in our city; our vulnerable koalas need protecting and our native birds are threatened by aggressive Common Mynas spreading their territory.

That is the bad news.

The good news is that the City of Gold Coast has a plan and we all can help.

Two council experts will explain more at Gecko Talks at Currumbin RSL on Wednesday, September 26.

You will learn about the citywide Koala Conservation Plan and how we can assist to create a sustainable future for koalas.

Pet owners will understand their pets’ impact on wildlife, along with their responsibilities to reduce dog bite incidents.

‘We recognise that companion animals play an important role in today’s society. However, pets that are not managed responsibly can have negative impacts on community safety, animal welfare and the environment,’ an officer said.

Discover how the council is trying to make your dog’s life better and strengthen the bond with your pet through special council activities.

Have you learnt how to massage your dog to prevent injury and increase mobility?

Troubled by Common Mynas?

Find out how to handle these birds which pose the second greatest threat to native birds after land-clearing.

Gecko Talks is on Wednesday, September 26 at Currumbin RSL.

Everyone’s welcome and it’s free.

Come early and buy a delicious RSL meal.

Please call Gecko on 07 5534 1412 to book for more information or turn up on the night.

When: Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Time:   6:45PM for 7:00PM Start

Where: ‘The Cove Room’, Currumbin RSL, 165 Duringan Street, Currumbin

Cost:    FREE! (Don’t forget, you can buy a meal there before the talk.)

Categories: Gecko Talks