Living on the Edge - February 2018 Gecko Talks

Living on the Edge: How resilient are our Threatened Species?
Gecko Talks – Wednesday February 28at Currumbin RSL
The havoc caused by Cyclone Debbie in the Gold Coast had a major, longer-term impact on our rare and endangered flora and fauna. However,there is an upside.Its aftermath is helping local environmentalists develop ways to help those threatened species cope, not only with extreme weather events, but other climate change impacts.
This is just part of what Paul Donatiu will cover when he discussesLiving on the Edge: Climate Change Impacts on Gold Coast Threatened Species and Proposed Management Responsesat Gecko Talksin February.
Paul is Healthy Land and Water’s Southern Area Manager, covering the Gold Coast region.
‘Our forests are changing in front of our eyes—but are we seeing it?’ he asks.
He will bring this important topic to life using examples of recent changes to the habitat of rare and endangered species. Not only are these places changing, but other threats are emerging to take their toll on our iconic wildlife.
Paul is optimistic.Part of his work is to monitor the change, couple these observations with climate change models, and develop strategies to ensure species survive. He will talk further about restoration projects being carried out locally.
Everyone is welcome to this free event.Don’t forget, you can buy a meal at the Currumbin RSL before the talk. Please call Gecko on 07 5534 1412 to book or for more information. Or turn up on the night.
When: Wednesday, 28 February2018
Time: 6:45PM for 7:00PM Start
Where: ‘The Cove Room’, Currumbin RSL, 165 Duringan Street, Currumbin
Cost: FREE! Don’t forget, you can have a meal there before the talk.
Book: Call Gecko on 07 5534 1412 or turn up on the night.