No Answers & Sham Community ASF Consultation

October was the month that ASF Consortium was expected to undertake “extensive Community consultation” about its proposed development on Wavebreak Island and the Cruise Terminal. It was also the month when Gecko tried another tack to get a response to the three letters sent to Deputy Premier Seeney since June and it was the month that ASF made unsubstantiated claims that the biggest of the cruise ships could use the Broadwater.

December 7 will be your opportunity to express your opposition to the ASF Wavebreak Island and cruise terminal proposal. Put the date in your diary or phone. We will literally need every body we can muster to be at this forthcoming rally.

Springbrook Cableway Regurgitated

It was with great concern that Gecko received the news this week that the regurgitated cable way proposal from Neranwood to World Heritage listed Springbrook National Park has been resurrected by the proponent of the old ‘Naturelink’, Ray Stevens, MP for Mermaid.

Mr Stevens and the Premier do not appear to think that there is any conflict of interest between Stevens’ role as a member of the Government which will assess the project, his personal investment and role as advisor to the project, and his role representing the views of his electorate.

Koala Habitat Conservation: It’s not looking good for koalas!

Rose Adams explains how recent legislative changes have swept away many of the safeguards that were in place to protect koala habitat in Queensland, making it easier for developers to cut through the so-called ‘green tape’.

What happens to the koalas living in an area earmarked for development? In the very bad old days, animals were simply chased away, “thrown over the fence” (a quote from a former Town Planning officer) or just ignored. It was assumed they would move on, find new trees and somehow adapt to their changed circumstances.

The reality is, however, that koalas cannot successfully co-inhabit spaces where their food trees are drastically reduced to make way for housing. The accompanying roads, speeding cars, domestic pets, lights and noise all result in unbearable stress, injury and often their death of these iconic Australian animals.

Fast Facts about the Koala

The koala is perhaps the most iconic Australian animal, and is a popular species with international visitors. According to very recent research by the Australian Koala Foundation (AKF), it has been estimated that koala-related tourism generates $3.2 billion in revenue annually across Australia and also generates around 30,000 jobs
Queensland is fortunate to have one of the largest natural populations of koalas in the wild. Koala populations are scattered across the eastern half of Queensland, as far west as Cunamulla, Quilpie, Longreach and Hughenden and as far north as Cooktown. However, the highest densities of koalas occur in the south east corner of the State.

Koalas – Simple Speaking

The Single State Planning Policy has done nothing to protect koala habitat. If the government isnt going to protect Australia’s icon, who can? People are needed to partake in a survey and maybe the results will stir someone on government to change the laws and bring back vegetation protection and stop development in koala habitat

Gold Coast residents Stepped up efforts to save Black Swan Lake

RESIDENTS have stepped up their efforts to save the Black Swan Lake at Bundall and the 32 bird species that call it home.

The Gold Coast and Hinterland Environmental Council (Gecko) has also thrown its weight behind the residents’ campaign, saying the lake should be protected at all costs.

The council-owned waterhole off Ascot Crt has been earmarked as a parking area as part of the $11 million upgrade of the Gold Coast Turf Club site to create the new home of the Gold Coast Show.

However, Sally Spain, spokeswoman for the Residents and Friends of Black Swan Lake lobby group, said they were determined not to lose the quiet, secluded haven for birds.

Have Your Say? – Springbrook

Below are the letters for your information to write your submission to the Gold Coast City Council on Springbrook water extraction. Please make sure if you do use our submission letter below that you add your own comments to individualise your submission. The same submission letter repeated by different people can sometimes be treated as one letter so it’s important that you do add your own comments.

Community Cabinet Brief–Vegetation Management Act (1999)

Queensland State Government passed the Vegetation Management Framework Amendment Act (2013) late last year.  The aim of the Bill, as stated by Government, is to reduce red tape and regulatory burden on landowners, business and government.  The Amendment Bill repealed critical regrowth regulations on freehold and indigenous lands, removed enforcement and compliance provisions, removed significant and historic multifactorial vegetation mapping and introduced self-assessable codes.  While removing red tape and streamlining development processes, the Amendment Bill significantly weakens the protection of critical vegetation on watercourses and exposes hundreds of thousands of hectares of high value regrowth vegetation to broad-scale land clearing.