Archived articles

Hold your Child’s Party with Us Gecko now offers Kids Birthday Parties with an environmental impact. A choice of styles and lessons to be learned. Being out and about in the Gold Coast’s beautiful and versatile environment is a healthy

Professor Catherine Pickering and team at Griffith University School of Environment and Science have used social media data from Flickr photo sharing website to start to assess how people value and use a natural site. Social media provides a new way of a looking at sociocultural values of sites, and Professor Pickering and teams study is one of the first in Australia to use this method.

Cyclone Debbie damaged fauna and flora, Gecko, Gecko Talks, Guest Speaker

If you want to be inspired, or reduce your carbon footprint, or hear how a community is growing innovative entrepreneurs while doing good, don’t miss this talk. Electronic waste—the fastest-growing scourge to our soil and water—can be the catalyst to changing lives and communities. Tony Sharp, founder of Logan-based Substation 33, will share how this is happening when he speaks at Gecko Talkssoon at Currumbin.

The elections for a new Queensland Government will take place next Saturday 25th November. Whether you will be pre-poling or will vote on the day, now is the time for you to have a close look at the positions of the various political parties, particularly in relation to their environmental policies. Gecko has compared the publicly available policies of the major parties on environmental and locally important issues (Local Government reform/ ban developer donations, action on excessive bush clearing-death to wildlife, a Spit Master Plan -3 storey height limit, a second M1 motorway through koala habitat, action on airport contamination, Climate Change action/ renewables) reflected in the scorecard below. Please consider the environment when casting your vote.

The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) has delivered a lot of ‘firsts’ for the Gold Coast. Now the real challenge is how we, as a community, adopt its legacy in areas such as environmental behavioural change. Katie Barton-Harvey, Sustainability Marketing Manager for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC), will outline the major ‘behind the scenes’ work that’s been done to ensure the Games’ success continues after the closing ceremony. She’s guest speaker at Gecko Talks at Currumbin RSL later this month and will outline some of the work done over the past four years or more to ensure the success of GC2018 and that there’s a continuing positive legacy for our local economy, environment and society.

Over 200 people braved the threat of storm cells on the evening of Thursday 26th to attend the public meeting, which was called to take action on the unethical, unaccountable and non-transparent behaviour of the current Gold Coast City Council. Those present heard from 16 speakers representing community groups from one end of the Gold Coast to the other.

For years community organisations have been calling for more accountability of Councillors in their dealings with developer applications, takeover of public open space, manipulation of the City Plan reports with large areas blacked out, secret meetings and conflict of interest voting in Council. These concerns and others were documented in the All That Glitters 4 Corners Report in September and confirmed in the recently released Crime and Corruption Commission’s Belcarra report on investigations into offenses under the Local Government Act and the Local Government Electoral Act.

2018 will be an exciting year for the war in waste! July 1 a container deposit scheme will be launched as well as a ban on single use plastic bags.

All our Programs are for 5-9 year olds,  Start at 9am and finish at 11am; Cost $5 per child. Activities cover: Bees, Butterflies, Tidal Pools, Megabats, Lizards, Birds, Fish and the ever popular Discovery Trail. See details here: