Outgoing President's Report 2010-2011
Delivered at Gecko's Annual General Meeting by Rose Adams
Gecko has been in operation for nearly twenty-two years, during which we have grown from a small group of individuals with a shared passion for our beautiful Gold Coast, its people and most especially its richly biodiverse environment to the mature and respected organisation the Gecko Board represents here tonight.
Gecko is acknowledged at local, state and federal level as the peak not-for-profit environment group on the Gold Coast and our views and submissions are sought from these decision makers on a wide variety of topics.
We have put forward our ideas, not just regarding impacts of developments on our flora and fauna but also on the broader ecological sustainability issues that affect our nation, including housing affordability, population growth, transport issues, water strategies and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Gecko’s policy positions are formulated at committee meetings and approved by the Board.
Our take on issues is sought by the media, though our responses are not always accurately portrayed and the so-called greenie standpoint comes in for a lot of criticism.
Come election time, candidates are suddenly keen to learn from us what the pressing environmental issues are. Our campaigners always seek to promote policies that will enduringly and effectively protect our environment.
Despite considerable challenges, persistence often pays off, which gives us great satisfaction.
Gecko and its members, volunteers and staff remain resolute in their efforts to protect both our dwindling biodiversity and the amenity of the built environment.
It has been an enormous honour for me to serve as President for the past three years and to work alongside so many fine, dedicated people.
I will be stepping down from this role but my involvement will remain as intense as ever.
Gecko’s Annual Report will describe in more detail all the many activities we have undertaken the last year but I would like to briefly highlight some standout areas:
- Samantha Morris (Wombat Creative) kick-started the year with an intensive session of strategic planning in order to maximise our efforts. We cannot tackle everything, try as we might and the identification of key target areas has given us all a better focus.
- A very satisfying development has been the transition of our long standing Meeting of Member Groups into the Environment Alliance. The Alliance consists of like-minded organisations and community groups across the Gold Coast who come together on a monthly basis to discuss topical Gold Coast environmental and planning issues. Our formal launch is planned shortly.
- On the Campaigns front our key themes are climate change, sustainability, population and biodiversity and these considerations are reflected in all our submissions.
- The tragic decline of the koala has continued here in South-East Queensland and lobbying for greater protection for this iconic Australian animal has been an important part of the Campaign Committee’s work.
- Gecko has continued to lobby for the listing of the koala as vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act and we await the federal Environment Minister’s decision.
- Lois Levy for her dedication to the duties of Secretary, for supporting numerous sub-committees and their projects and for providing inspiration to all of us;
- Bardhold Blecken for his able stewardship of our finances and for building important connections between Gecko and other non-government organizations;
- Anna Itkonen for her enthusiasm and professionalism and
- Sam Morris for her guidance in strategic thinking and for taking Gecko forward into the world of Facebook and Twitter.
- Dereka Ogden, Ben Perkins, Simone Gillespie and David Wyatt have all served on the Board for part of the year and we thank them for their important contributions.