17th March 2020
                                       CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK
The physical and mental wellbeing of our volunteers and visitors is very important to us at Gecko. We understand that the recent outbreak of Coronavirus has had an effect on everyone’s everyday life, including visiting Gecko Office.
Firstly, please visit the Australian Government website for updates, medical advice on how to keep yourself safe – https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert
Secondly, when visiting Gecko House and while dealing with the public or other volunteers, follow these simple rules.
- Wash your hands with soap thoroughly and regularly at home and in the office. (This is more effective than using hand sanitisers.)
- When unable to wash your hands with soap, use hand sanitisers when/if available.
- If coughing, cough into your elbow (not your hand) or into a tissue. Discard of the tissue immediately and put in the council bin outside.
- Avoid handshaking and close contact with people
If you have concerns or feel anxious about coming to the office due to the Coronavirus outbreak, stay home. While the work we do is valuable, your physical and mental health are more so. Please let us know if you choose to stay home, either by calling the office number or by emailing president@gecko.org.au.
If you are a paid staff member at Gecko, you can find more details about Coronavirus and workplace laws through the link below – https://www.fairwork.gov.au/about-us/news-and-media-releases/website-news/coronavirus-and-australian-workplace-laws
While the Coronavirus pandemic is serious and a health risk that is not to be ignored, we encourage everyone to remain calm and rational. Please look after yourself, stay safe and support each other.
23/3/2020 – Gecko office is closed to visitors. Email enquiries to office@gecko.org.au which are being monitored from home.
Management Committee
Gecko Environment Council