GeckoEd offers carefully designed learning activities and programs blending ecological concepts linked to the National and Queensland Curricula. You can choose from our existing programs or contact us for a tailored program or activity written to your requirements. 

All our programs are designed and written by qualified teachers and delivered by experienced environmental educators, qualified teachers and industry experts.

Early Learning

Primary School

Secondary School

Yr 4 Biological Sciences – Living things in ecosystems

Yr 4 HASS – Using places sustainably

Yr 5 Biological Sciences – Ecosystems

Yr 5 HASS – People and Environment

Yr 7 Geography and Science – Wetlands

Yr 9 Geography and Science – Biomes and Food Security with scientific measuring

Yr 11 Geology – Water quality

Yr 11 Geology – Land cover transformation

Yr 11 Geography and Science – Human Impacts on Ecosystems

Yr 11 Geography and Science – Identification and measurement of microclimates of mangroves and dunes

Yr 12 Geology – Water quality

Excursion Locations

To encourage connection with nature, we prefer to conduct our primary and secondary programs in the natural environment rather than the classroom.  However, our teachers can deliver one of our programs at your school or community group’s premises. 

Schools are encouraged to contact us for help in organising excursions to the estuary, mangroves, beach and catchments of Currumbin, which include the sub-tropical forest of Mt. Cougal, located in Currumbin Valley.

Visits to other Gold Coast ecosystems and habitats can be arranged to suit your student’s needs and tasks. 


While our Primary and Secondary School programs are intended as excursions, the Early Learning programs are designed to be delivered at your centre. Please contact our team if you wish to discuss options for Early Learning Excursions.

Excursion and Incursion Materials

Gecko Ed sources and provides most of the resources required and willingly works with your teaching staff to achieve your desired outcome.


Gecko Environment Council is a not-for-profit organisation, and GeckoEd operates only to provide a service and cover costs, not to make a profit or fund other activities or projects.

The program costs are listed in the program information above. For tailored programs and activities, additional costs may occur.

We look forward to working with you and your school to provide a unique learning experience for your students.

For further details, email us or call us at (07) 5534 1412