Thank you for being a friend

Everybody Needs A Friend

We are looking for Friends just like you. Our Friends donations help with various projects and campaigns throughout the year with the goal of protecting, advocating and educating in the Gold Coast community. Gecko Friends donate a recurring monthly gift starting from the equivalent of less than one coffee per week, so it’s easy for everyone to become a Friend.

Gecko currently offers two levels of Friends; Green or Emerald Friend.

Choose which friend you would like to be
Green Friend
$ 8.95 / month
Emerald Friend
$ 14.95 / month

Ready to Join?

Excellent. Click on your choice above or alternatively you can download and complete the easy to use SIGN UP PAYMENT FORM here.

You can set up your regular payment as a direct debit from your account or through Paypal or as a credit card payment. For credit card payments, please contact us via email or phone. 

Visit us in person at Gecko House, 139 Duringan Street, Currumbin, call us at (07) 5534 1412 or email us at fundraising [at]

Gecko is a volunteer, non-government, not-for-profit organisation – the peak regional environment body for the Gold Coast region. *All gifts are tax deductable *Endorsement as a deductable gift recipient – 6.1.1. Subdivision 30-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act of 1997.  You may also choose to make a one-off donation via our Donate page here

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Bank Deposit

Thank you for choosing bank deposit for Gecko Friends payment. You can set up recurring payments with your bank.

Online EFT payment or direct deposit

  • Bank: Bank of Queensland (BOQ)
  • BSB No: 124-001
  • Account No: 222 998 47
  • Account Name: Gecko
  • Reference: (Your surname and Phone number)
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Credit Card

Thank you for choosing Credit Card for Gecko Friends Payment. We can help you process your recurring payment.

Please contact the Gecko office on (07) 5534 1412

The office is open Mon - Fri 10am - 2pm

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Green Friend

$ 8.95
$ 107.40
You need to select an item to continue

Emerald Friend

$ 14.95
$ 179.40
You need to select an item to continue

Gecko Friends Cost

per month



Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :/month