Gecko Talks – Homes for all – Save our iconic wildlife; SEQ Regional Plan Update 2023
Homes for all – Save our iconic wildlife
Join us for conversations about protecting native forests and wildlife in the SEQ Regional Plan update 2023.
The draft plan update for our region is out and the clock is ticking down to be a voice for our environment. We recognise that Queensland needs more housing, and we need to protect the homes of all Queenslanders.
To protect critical habitat from further clearing and fragmentation, we have until September 20th to make submissions to the formal process, and only till the end of this year to try and convince political decision makers.
If you care about sustainably growing our population, this workshop is for you!
Queensland Conservation Council and Gecko Environment Council will co-host two workshops in Currumbin and Oxenford, and another online. Please RSVP or send us an email to register your interest.
The 1hour session will cover:
* What the plan means for the Gold Coast environment
* Making a submission
* Generating stories and engaging media
* Encouraging action among our communities
Led by facilitators:
Jen Basham, Urban Sustainability, Queensland Conservation Council
and Sara Hicks of Gecko Environment Council
Please RSVP:
WORKSHOP 1 (Southern GC)
Currumbin RSL, Wednesday August 23, 7pm
WORKSHOP 2 (Northern GC)
Oxenford/Coomera Community and Youth Centre, Monday September 4, 6.30pm
WORKSHOP 3 (online)
Please contact Sara Hicks with your interest in a workshop online:climateadvocate@gecko.org.au | 0428 139 603
For more info about the SEQ Regional Plan visit QCC: