Gecko Talks-Quolls – need your help

The spotted-tailed quoll is the largest marsupial carnivore on the Australian mainland. A ferocious predator, able to take down prey five times its own size, the spotted-tailed quoll is seriously threatened by extinction. There are less than 10,000 individuals remaining, and the species has disappeared from 90 percent of its former range. In southern Queensland, the situation is dire. Driven from their homes by land clearing and introduced predators, and killed on the roads or around chicken coops, quoll sightings have plummeted since the 1990s. Paul Revie, an ecologist and zoologist, founded the Quoll Society of Australia to safeguard the spotted-tailed quoll in southern Queensland. With a team of enthusiastic volunteers, QuollSA has been mapping the last remaining populations of spotted-tailed quolls in the region. Their upcoming projects include GPS tracking quolls on the Granite Belt, and creating a safe haven for the last healthy populations around Stanthorpe. Come and learn about quolls in our region, and how you can help to save this unique and feisty predator from going the way of its larger cousin, the Tasmanian tiger.
This month’s Gecko Talk is on Wednesday 28th of July at Currumbin RSL. Tickets are free, however, due to COVID-19 seating is limited so make sure you book your ticket today.

To book your ticket see front page – limited seats so do not delay

Gecko Talks is on the 4th Wednesday each Monday February to November 2021.

When:                  Wednesday,28th July

Time:                    6:45PM for 7:00PM Start

Where:                 Currumbin RSL, 165 Duringan Street, Currumbin

Cost:                     FREE, after booking (Come early and buy a delicious RSL meal)


28 Sep 2020


6:45 pm - 6:45 pm


Currumbin RSL
165 Duringan St