2018 Will Be An Exciting Year for the War Against Waste
Container Collection Machines are Coming
On 5th September this year the Queensland government passed the long-awaited bill to establish a container deposit scheme.
This will be a major step forward in reducing the enormous amount of beverage container litter than pollutes our beaches and landscapes and poses hazards to our wildlife.
Read more about how you can participate and also score a little bit of cash in the process.
There will be announcements regarding how clubs and charities might tap into this opportunity as 1 July approaches. In the meantime all are encouraged to continue recycling all suitable items through the Gold Coast City collection service.
Single Use Plastic Bags Will be Banned
The serious impacts on marine species and other wildlife from the tons of single-use plastic bags entering the system each year are appalling.
With the introduction of the ban on single-use plastic shopping bags, including degradable and biodegradable bags, starting 1 July 2018, we look forward to a safer environment for wildlife as well as a cleaner neighbourhoods and landscapes.
Congratulations to Environment Minister Steven Miles for his tireless efforts in ensuring this Bill was passed.