Will You Be Voting for the Environment?

Your Guide to the Party Policies on the Gold Coast

Green answers are positive for the environment;

Red negative;

Orange not known.

IssueLaborLNPGreensOne Nation
Local Govt reform. Ban developer donationsYESNOYESNO
Action on excessive bush clearing-death to wildlifeYESNOYESNO
Spit Master Plan -3 storey height limitYESNOYESYES
Second M1 thru koala habitatNOYESNO?
Action on airport contaminationYESNO??
Climate Change action/ renewablesYESNOYESNO

The elections for a new Queensland Government will take place next Saturday 25th November.

Whether you will be pre-poling or will vote on the day, now is the time for you to have a close look at the positions of the various political parties, particularly in relation to their environmental policies.

Gecko has compared the publicly available policies of the major parties on environmental and locally important issues (Local Government reform/ ban developer donations, action on excessive bush clearing-death to wildlife, a Spit Master Plan -3 storey height limit, a second M1 motorway through koala habitat, action on airport contamination, Climate Change action/ renewables) reflected in the scorecard below. Please consider the environment when casting your vote.