The Coomera Connector Proposed Road
The public consultation period for the Coomera Connector (southern section), or M2 as some call it, will begin on Saturday 9th November, from 7am –3pm at Carrara Markets.
This is the first of several opportunities for the public to see where the Coomera Connector, Stage 1, will go and to discuss its impacts with residents who live along the route and those with other concerns.

Gecko is opposed to the construction of this road because of its high impact on remaining koala and other wildlife habitat. At the very least we expect wildlife under or over passes for wildlife to be part of the planning as well as extensive purchase of habitat elsewhere to compensate for losses.
We also believe that it is not a good idea to have 14 lanes of traffic in two parallel roads between Brisbane and the Gold Coast with the problems of pollution and noise for those people living between the two roads.
It is time the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads got serious about good effective, efficient and affordable public transport instead of building more roads which only end up getting congested. The Department says it wants to get people out of their cars, but keeps building more roads.
Several suggestions for improvements to the rail infrastructure are being discussed in the community and the need for more efficient public transport to meet up with the trains is very evident.
Other ways to reduce traffic congestion in this digital age is to encourage work from home or community hubs or for businesses to relocate from Brisbane to the Gold Coast so that everything is not Brisbane-centric.
The southern section of the Coomera Connector is intended to be built between Foxwell Rd, Coomera and the Nerang- Broadbeach Rd. While it might take 60,000 cars off the M1 and ease congestion a little there, that means 60,000 more cars travelling through suburbs previously unaffected.
Those vehicles using the Coomera Connector to avoid the M1 will end up on the M1 at Loganholme and Nerang where congestion will again be increased.

There are several other community organisations concerned about this proposal and its impact on their community and the wildlife.
You can contact the Department on or ring their Nerang office 07 5563 6600 business hours only 8:30am — 5pm, Monday-Friday.
Take Action: If you would like to be part of Gecko’s campaign on this issue, please ring the office 5534 1412 and leave your contact details or email Lois Levy, Campaign Coordinator