Black Swan Lake - What is the Current Issue?

Wildlife Preservation Society actioned a petition which was presented to Council in October 2014. Gecko has written to Council requesting that the Lake remain and that Council consider some type of park and ride arrangement for events at the Turf Club in line with Council policy to encourage the use of public transport. Below is a copy of that letter and a media article about the issue. A decision from Council is pending.

History so Far

Black Swan Lake is situated in the Bundall Turf Club precinct of the Gold Coast and has been home to numerous bird species for about 30 years.

Birdlife Queensland has counted some 40 species on one day.

The lake existed there in harmony with the Gold Coast Turf Club until the Gold Coast show was relocated to the Turf Club area following the redevelopment of the Parkwood site that the Show previously occupied.

There were complaints from some, including some Councillors, that there was need for a larger car-park facility to accommodate the patrons of the Gold Coast Show.

It was decided to fill in Black Swan lake to create the car park.

Many locals were upset and contacted Wildlife Preservation Society for help.

A campaign was started and Gecko was asked to help as both organisations are in agreement that this lake should not be drained and filled.

The lake is currently home to many bird species that should not be displaced for the sake of a car park and local people enjoy the scenic and recreational amenity the lake and the sight of so many birds in their neighbourhood provides.

As a result of the campaign there is a 6 month stop-work order on the car-park while some examination of the situation is undertaken including water quality testing.

Even if the car-park was built it would not meet the needs of either the Gold Coast Show or the Turf Club.