Gecko’s Campaigns Team are a passionate group of Gold Coasters giving a voice to the protection of the natural environment and advocating for the improved sustainability of the built environment.
The Gold Coast is recognised as an area of exceptional beauty and diversity of natural environments from the beaches and headlands, across the flood plains to the hills of the hinterland including, the World Heritage listed, Springbrook National Park. The Gold Coast has such a diversity of native plants and animals, many rare and endangered, that it is known as a biodiversity hotspot.
It is also an area of high population growth as more people seek to make their homes here to share in this bounty. This increasing population need to be accommodated and employment provided, while still protecting our exceptional beaches and bushland. It is the challenge of better management of both protection and sustainable development that inspires the Gecko campaigners.
The Campaigns Team with its combined knowledge and skills, meets fortnightly to discuss the issues, develop advocacy strategies and take appropriate action through appealing to the hearts and minds of Gold Coasters and the decision makers in the community. The Team brings together a number of experienced campaigners ready and willing to welcome and support any new comers to the team.
Join the Team and take action: New campaign team members are welcomed. If this is you please call the Gecko office 5534 1412 between 10am and 2pm Monday to Friday or send a message on Facebook and we will contact you.
Campaigns Team Meetings
The Campaigns Team Meets every second Friday at Gecko House, 139 Duringan St, Currumbin.
A Zoom option is available for those unable to attend in person or if the Covid 19 Virus situation dictates no in-person meetings.
The Campaigns Team meets to discuss strategies and actions regarding environmental matters for the Gold Coast and further afield in the 4 areas of climate change, biodiversity, protection of public open space and sustainability.
New members to the team are always welcome and should contact the Gecko office on 55341412. To see the date of the next meeting visit
The Campaigns Team also works in close collaboration with other conservation and community organisations on the Gold Coast and northern NSW which have similar interests. On a broader scale the Team works with or supports other organisations such as the Queensland Conservation Council and its member groups on State and National environmental issues.
Archived articles
This temporary installation in Winders park next to Gecko House was an artistic expression of sea level rise and how our grandchildren will experience rising tides by the end of this century. Held on the banks of the beautiful Currumbin Creek during the SWELL Sculpture Festival, 8th to 17th September 2017.
Black Swan Lake-What is the Current Issue?
Wildlife Preservation Society actioned a petition which was presented to Council in October 2014. Gecko has written to Council requesting that the Lake remain and that Council consider some type of park and ride arrangement for events at the Turf Club in line with Council policy to encourage the use of public transport. Below is a copy of that letter and a media article about the issue. A decision from Council is pending.
EXCLUSIVE: Terminal Cost Blowout
Gold Coasters have been dealt a combo of low blows over the proposed oceanside cruise terminal pre-election promise from Mayor Tom Tate with LiQUiFY able to reveal multiple issues which defy belief – namely that the actual cost for the ‘modest $70 million terminal’ floated by the mayor will now be half a billion dollars – that’s right, $500 million!
Gecko Environment Council has a number of concerns about the Our Natural City Strategy and the HaveYourSay Questionnaire. We urge you to respond to the questionnaire before COB Tuesday 16th May and you are welcome to make your own choices but we ask that you bear these matters listed below in mind. To view the Strategy click on Strategy . For the survey go to The draft strategy is not written from a protection of nature perspective as the previous Nature Conservation Strategy was. It is focussed on what recreational activities the conservation/ natural areas can be used for regardless of whether they are high impact or not. The Natural City does not give enough weight to important issues of conservation and protection of rare and threatened species, ecosystem services and impact of climate change. The questions do not differentiate between areas of high, medium or low conservation values in proposing all sorts of human recreational activities.
What is E-Waste: If it plugs in or is battery run and will fit into a Tea Chest sized box, Gecko can recycle it. Small electronic equipment including hairdryers, computers, laptops, notebooks, printers, electronic games, mobile phones and their cables, keyboards, batteries, chargers and accessories.
The Spit and Broadwater Update
It was a good turnout last Sunday, but there is still time for you to have your say. Submissions close 7th April. The public consultation on two aspects of the future of The Spit began with the publication of two questionnaires on the website of the Department of State Development. Act now
SEQ’s prosperous future South East Queensland plays a major role in Queensland’s growth and prosperity. It is the state’s largest regional economy, contributing approximately $170 billion to Queensland’s real gross state product in 2010–11. View a larger version of the map online.
On Saturday 5th of September, Gecko - Gold Coast and Hinterland Environment Council and Surfrider Foundation, will be holding a beach clean-up event 'Spring Clean Broadbeach' and launch for the Cash for Containers White Paper for public consultation, to be held at Kurrawa Surf Club, Broadbeach at 12:30 - 17:00.
The Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve A Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve from Burleigh to Snapper is there to protect and preserve our breaks, remove the threat and celebrate our history, culture and champions. A GCWSR would not close beaches
Gecko will actively engage with all levels government to strongly advocate for immediate, comprehensive and effective strategies to reduce carbon pollution and to ameliorate the impacts of climate change on ecosystems and human communities Gecko will canvas the views of candidates in elections as to how they will achieve these policy outcomes.